An interview with Black Stone Machine

Heavy Southern Rockers Black Stone Machine has just released their new EP "The Guild of Black" via Alcyone Records. We had the chance to interview them and learn more about it.

Your new EP "The Guild of Black" marks a new chapter for Black Stone Machine. Can you tell us what was the inspiration behind it?

Well, it's not that we had a specific inspiration, we are always inspired to write new music, but this time we wanted to focus on specific parts of our style and be true to ourselves. We wanted to prepare this EP to have it ready for our previous tour but it took us a little bit more to finish haha.

In what ways does the EP reflect your personal experiences, and how important is it for Black Stone Machine to address such themes through your music?

Sometimes we try to put a story in our song lyrics, something that happened to one of us or all of us as a band, or maybe you get inspired by an article or a book you might have read. There is not a specific theme nor do we try to push the whole thing towards a specific "target", we kinda of like to make things go their way, somehow you know when you are there, so I think its best to let things go as they feel natural.

With the EP ready for release, what are your expectations for the reception of "The Guild of Black" from your fans?

We think people will like it, I mean besides the fact of this being our best production/performance, so far, it's more fun to listen, to it, I don't know man .. has this loose - vacation - beer drinking and hanging with friends feeling in it, it's not trying at all to do something specific.

Working with Fotis Benardo at Deva Soundz Studios for recording, mixing, and mastering is impressive. How did this collaboration contribute to shaping the final sound of the EP?

Well, Fotis is a G R E A T producer, it was the first time to worked with him and he immediately liked the way he controlled the flow of the recording and also his ideas were "to the point'.
But a word of advice to hairy male guitarists when recording in summer. Try not to wear shorts! He WILL pull your hair on every mistake! I don't know. shave your legs or something, but consider yourself warned haha!

The artwork for "The Guild of Black" was designed by Daniel Goudelis. How does the visual representation complement the musical themes and atmosphere of the EP?

First of all, Daniel Goudelis is our man for artwork. It's the guy that you just describe what you want in a few words and, that's it. He doesn't create artwork, he paints the covers, he is a true artist! With that being said, I believe it's one of the most important aspects, even now, even in the age of streaming. Whether we like it or not, humans are visual beings and do judge a book by its cover.

Do you have any upcoming gigs on your agenda?

Yes, we have our release live on 25 February 2024 at Kyttaro live, along with Six for Nine, Rusty Bonez and Smokin Dame. Either than that, we don't have anything planned yet.

What can fans expect from Black Stone Machine in 2024?

We are about to enter the studio and record our second full-length album, so probably, if all things go well, we might have the album finished after summer. Well will see what the future holds.

Learn more about Black Stone Machine:






Interview by Stella Goulinoudi